

Curriculum Vitea

2001 - october 2006

Master of Arts in Information Studies, University of Aarhus.
- Related courses:
programming, system development, communication, organization analyses, project management, design, human-computer interaction, knowledge entrepreneurship, history of technology, applied cognition psykology.

Business student, Viborg Business School
Courses at level A: Danish, English, Marketing

Other education
1995 - 1998
  International education
Sep. 2004 - May 2005
Individuel Supplementary Programme, University of Victoria, Canada
60 ects points
- Related courses: Computers in Society, Leadership strategies, economical development, international studies, international organizations
Language skills
- Fluent in both oral and writing: Danisk, English
- Conversation level: German, Norweigian, Swedish
IT skills
- Experienced user of MS Office Suit
- Experienced user of Mac OS
- User of programs such as: Fireworks, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign
- Experience with use of CMS-systems
- Knowledge of programming (java, html)

Academic/commer-cial projects

May 2006 - Aug 2006


Master thesis on knowledge sharing in a network of entrepreneurs
- Analysis and discussion of knowledge sharing in the network "VaekstVaerk Aarhus" with the purpose of formulating tangible solutions/improvement suggestions to the administration of the network. Observation studies and individual interviews with associated companies and members of the administration were the emperical foundation.

Internship at Rambøll Management
Project coordinator and researcher on the project "VaekstVaerk Aarhus" administered by Rambøll. My job was to promote the network and facilitate a growth environment for the affiliated entrepreneurs and develop the profile of the network.
- Experience in concept development, analyzing and report making, interviews and focus groups, internal and external communication, marked screenings and business counselling with management consultants from Rambøll Management.
- Maintaining and develpment of Web and newsletters

User involvement and Design
- Participating in development of an interactive whiteboard to be used in meetings and shared learning through a shared frame of understanding. The focus was on user involvement and methods for product development.

Distributed Cognition
- Analysis of a hotel reception with focus on tacit and explicit knowledge and making informations visible to other co-workers. Mapping of informationflow.

Entrepreneurship and innovation
- creation of an own company in relation to the course "knowledge entreprenur". The exam consisted of a business plan and a marked analysis for the created company.

Analysis of work processes and invisible power relations (Bachelor theisis)

- Analysis of work processes at TNJ Communication, a marketing bureau in Aarhus. The focus was on social relations and how the relations influenced the work flow in the company and how it produced an internal power struggle in the organization. The thesis was based on interviews and observations.

Programming and system development
- Programming and a system development project with an introduction to the basic programming principals together with planning a system development proces.

Aug 2005 - Feb 2006












Work experience

2005 - 2006








2002 - 2006







Internship at Rambøll Management
- Full-time internship: see academic/commercial projects for further details

Consultant report for VaekstVaerk Aarhus
- The making of a report about online marketing from an entrepreneur's perspective and requirement. The report contained a marked screening of online products and an uncovering of entrepreneur's requirements to online marketing tools. The report was made as an external consultant job.

Communication and customer handling
- Receptionist at the Scandic Plaza Aarhus Hotel
- Experience in communicating with customers an problem handling

Guide for Ski Alpin ApS
- Transport and skiguide
- Main activities were communication and problem solving for customers.

Logistic and coordination
- Disponent at Uni-data Logistica
- Logistical planning of delivery mens routes and working hours. The work consisted of planning and coodination internal and external in cooperation with customers.